Bryden arrived on Tuesday, but this is the first time I've had to take pics and review her.
I have to admit, I'm not wowed by her. I think she's the best Bryden if you just look at the makeup and hair, but outfit-wise, no. She's not the full package like the other Masquerade girls.
Her hair is lovely. It's light and dark blue, plus lavender and dark pink. It's got two little twisty bits on the left side, too.
The sneakers, too. I get that they're very Bryden, but that doesn't mean I like them.
Her makeup is way awesome though. First, her eyebrows are half blue. That's definitely the main thing that jumps out. Then she's got a line of pale green eyeshadow, dark pink above that and then pearlescent. But what sticks out about the eyeshadow is the bright blue "eyelashes" coming out. She's got a few painted blue lashes the same color as her brows. And there's a line underneath her eyes that's half pink and half white. Her actual rooted eyelashes are also blue, but they're much darker, more like her hair. The back of the box mentioned blue lashes, but they looked black until I got them in the light. They really are blue!
Her starfish earrings are really cute.
Overall, I like the doll herself a lot. It's the outfit I don't care for. But she's going to put on her mask and stand with her girls, despite them being better-dressed. At least she has incredible hair and makeup!
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