She's my least favorite of the Garden Ghouls, but I love them all, so that's not really saying much.
My biggest complaint about her is that I miss her shadow self. She has a few swirls on her right arm, but that's it.
Mine does have one eye that missed the mark a little, but it really doesn't bug me that much. I might upgrade her when they hit stores, but I might not. We'll see.
Twyla has long silky hair with a slight wave to it. I do wish they'd kept her really dark purple streaks. The reboot's lightened them up too much. Still pretty, but I loved the original color much more.
Her wings are pretty, but my least faves from the line.
She also got an odd little layer of petals on her lower eyelids, not a series of dots like the other two. They're pretty, though not as intricate, of course. This makeup color scheme really does work for her gorgeous headmold though. Love it a lot!
And her boots. Not as detailed as the other two's heels, but also cooler, in my opinion, because they lack heels.
Since Twyla is the last one and the one to inspire this, here's a photo of how I displayed these three.
I had originally planned to hang them on the wall like I do my Winx and other fairies, but then I stuck Twyla between my bookcases on a whim and was surprised when she stayed there. I knew that was going to be her home and was desperate to put the other two there as well. a little fiddling with some extra shelf plugs and rubberbands and ta da, it worked! It's not perfect, but hey, they're flying in between my cases. I freakin' love it.
So I think Garden Ghouls is one of the best reboot lines. Actually, scratch that. It is the best reboot line. I love it all.
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